This tweezer assembly has been thoughtfully designed to overcome the shortcomings inherent in the original assembly supplied with the FEI Vitrobot systems.
Designed for plunge-freezing cryo-TEM sample preparation, the tweezers are compatible with all generations of the Vitrobot system and have many features to make the sample preparation process more straightforward and repeatable.
Spring-loaded Plunge Clamp
• Easy to attach and remove from the plunge arm
• Spring-loaded - easily pinched open to attach to and remove from the plunge arm
• Precision machined clamp, attaches securely and accurately to the dovetail
• Self-centres to align the tweezers axis of the plunger rod, to ensure that it plunges safely through to the liquid ethane
Modified Reverse-Action Tweezers
• Hold the grids securely in their natural state
• Just a small pinch required to release the grid into the gridbox
• Top-quality, ultra-fine point Dumont tweezers
• The modified tweezers fit between the blotting pads without interfering with the blot